I am at the dining room table at home, had to bring back some work with me. Currently putting a client's wedding invitation order together, to be delivered tomorrow. This was not meant to be done last minute, but my client urgently needed her cards at the 11th hour so we are working overtime to make sure she gets it on time :)

Had to run to KLCC earlier today to pick up a book I had on hold at Kinokuniya, one that I am looking forward to reading. Its about vampires lol. What can I say, I got bitten by the Twilight bug, no pun intended hehe. Anyways, managed to grab dinner for two with hubby dearest at Madam Kwan and made it home on time to get Imran started on his homework. I must say... his attention span is getting better by the day :)

And for you football fans out there, don't forget the Chelsea match tonight. I hope Terry, Lampard and Co. do their thing and kick some Barca ass!!


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